A Children’s Picture Book About How It Feels to Get Stepped On

No one wants ants for pets.
You can’t play with them, but does that mean you should step on them?
This story is told by an ant who’s ready to put her foot down and convince kids to stop stomping her friends and family into the ground.

This picture book is much more than a children's book about insects. It's an engaging story for kids that explores the challenges ants face daily. At any moment an ant risks getting stepped on. They endlessly encounter bullies who want to harm them. Most importantly, looking out for each other must be a top priority if they expect to make it through every day safely while living in a land full of giants.

Children will love exploring this vibrant world of ants that is inhabited by cute characters with fun names and quirky, childlike personalities. They'll relate to the ant's reality of being teeny-tiny small. They will be inspired by the story of a brave and loving sister who will do anything and everything possible to keep her brother safe from an ant's biggest enemies—giant shoes and bullies—while standing up for what she believes is right.

Your child's imagination will be tickled by this funny story as it touches upon important lessons, including:

  • What it is like to live in a world that is much bigger than you.

  • Why it’s important to care about a brother, a sister, or a friend in need.

  • How it feels to be on the bullied end of bullying.

  • When you meet a living creature, show it kindness and respect.

  • and more!

Whether this picture book is for your child, a grandchild, students, or a gift for a friend's child, it will be a memorable after-school or bedtime story filled with fun, laughs, and joy. Please Get Your Shoe off My Brother! is sure to keep you—and any child—always thinking one step ahead.

2022 Story Monsters Approved
Certificate of Excellence in Literature
Picture Books - Ages 3-8 - Fiction

Picture Books 5 & Younger