Grouch Marx meets Dale Carnegie!

“I am a comedian and have studied comedy writing, Larry's writing style reminds me of Jackie Mason's "Circular" method of approaching a topic and taking every possible point of view while attacking the subject. I myself don't have the horsepower brain to do it, Larry does.”

D. Claude Kat

Laugh Out Loud Funny!!!

“The author must be a mad man, but a really funny one. Every chapter had me laughing, sometimes with a few chuckles, most of the time with Big Belly Laughs!”

— M.E. Depalma

LOL Funny - and no heavy lifting required!

“I love this book. It’s a perfect combination of helpful life philosophy and LOL funny.”

— Cary Sklar

Starting Your Day with a Smile is a Dream Come True

“Enlightening. Jubilant. Hysterical. A comical depiction of life’s ambivalent moments. A resolution of self-inflected stress. This book could not have been more opportune and timely.”

— Stanley M

This is laugh out loud comic brilliance!

“I was literally spitting out my coffee laughing while reading this book.”

— Scott Slater

A F-ANT-astic Children’s Book!

“It is a gift to be able to captivate the mind of a child, a gift that Larry Gotterer has mastered above and beyond. Larry beautifully combined the informational angle of the life and duties of ants in our ecosystem with quippy language and colorful imagery for both parents and kids to enjoy. I cannot wait to read this every night to my daughter!”

— Emilie

Great for teaching and entertaining

“What a sweet story! The author uses ants as a way to teach kindness to every living thing, something that is important for parents to discuss with their child when the child is young.”

— Lalala

Humorous Way to Teach Kids Compassion & Empathy

“Such a cute story and teachable moment for kids. Author Larry Gotterer and illustrator Coraline Tran cleverly humanize ants in a relatable way, enabling children to see them as living, breathing creatures with families and dreams.”

— Jen B.

A funny and punny kid’s book with heart

“Okay, this book is a hoot. I love stories that turn us lowly humans' perspectives upside down. In this case, an ant shares his pleas to have humans pay a little more attention to where we're stepping.”

— L.E.A.

So cute!

“It’s always a gem to find a new book and/or author that hits all the marks: cute and funny, but also smart and clever (unlike our man King Klod), and works in a lesson without being preachy about it.”

— Cat

Great book with great lesson!

“The story is a great way to discuss with my kids the importance of learning to trust their own ideas, even when others shut them down—something that can be difficult, even for adults!”

— Jodi

A fun and educational story!

“It’s a great book for kids that explores lessons such as believing in oneself, having the courage to voice one’s ideas, having an open mind, and giving other people a chance by listening to their ideas.”

— C. Madison

A great asset for young minds

“The book beautifully emphasizes the importance of perseverance, encouraging children to hold onto their ideas even when faced with rejection or indifference.”

— Luz

Kaosville's Creativity Carnival

“With its vibrant pages, uproarious characters, and a chorus of life lessons woven through whimsy, this book is a treasure trove for young minds and grown-up hearts alike.”

— Abhinav